Friday, September 28, 2012

The Mysterious Henry Darger

Henry Darger was an interesting character. After watching his video the Realms of the Unreal, you ask yourself was Henry mentally ill, or just different? In my opinion I think he was mentally ill because of the way he acted in public. His actions of social awkwardness around other people show that he truly wasn't all there. Maybe he showed his social skills in his unreal world as he created many characters and there actions. Henry was treated almost like a little kid by other people. Society did not know what to think about him or how to act around him. Darger was very shy from the world and wanted to be alone with his thoughts. That is why he created his own world through paintings and text. I believe that Darger was truly creative because he dedicated his life to his work. I think that we should care about his art because of its craftsmanship and dedication. He put to much time and thought into his work to let is just slip away.


  1. I actually don't think he was mentally ill because he was just different. Maybe he is the normal one and we are all different? Good question to ask yourself, but maybe he was right all along.

  2. I feel like he was at least different. I don't think that he could be the only normal one if he was so different in his actions. He did not act like a normal person should in many ways. In order for him to be considered normal more then the majority of the world would have to act like him.
