Friday, September 14, 2012

John Cleese Summary

John Cleese represents many great points about creativity in his video interview. He explains what he thinks creativity is and how you can get your mind into the creative mind set.  Cleese states that creativity is not a talent, it is a way of operating. I find this statement very interesting because I understand what he is saying. Anyone can be creative if they can get there mind into that creative mind set.  He demonstrates that creativity is not an ability that you either have or don’t have. He states that in no way is creativity related to IQ. I agree with the fact that creativity has nothing to do with IQ. I feel like anyone can be creative no matter how smart you are. Cleese then begins to explain the difference between the open and closed mode. He claims that a person cannot be creative in the closed mode. Only in the open mode may a person be creative. Cleese suggest that in order to enter the open mode, the creator must introduce these five aspects: space, time, time, confidence, and humor. Giving yourself space with no distractions allows your mind to relax and think. Time is needed to let your mind get into the open mode. A good amount of time would be an hour and a half. It usually takes a person about a half an hour to relax and let their mind become free. This gives your mind an hour to think of something creative and original. Confidence is also needed to enter the open mode. A creator must have confidence in his or her thoughts if he or she wants to be creative. The last aspect needed to enter the open mode is humor. It is so much easier to be creative when you are laughing and having good time, almost like a little kid!
I think if someone wants to be creative they need to surround themselves with the right atmosphere. This atmosphere could be a certain group of people that all share the same interest, or just an area in which the person can quietly think and work on their own. The creator needs to let his or her mind open up and be free. Let all of their other thoughts go and just focus on what they are trying to accomplish. 

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